
ISO New England releases 10-year plan for region’s power system

A regional system plan for 2008 released Friday by ISO New England Inc. forecasts that the region is likely to have sufficient capacity to meet electricity demand through 2014, but significant challenges—such as major transmission upgrades—remain for the region

New England Inc. is the operator of the region’s bulk power system and wholesale electricity markets. Its board of directors approved the 2008 Regional System Plan (RSP08) Thursday.

The 181-page planning document gives a status report on the region’s power system, defines areas where improvements are needed, and outlines challenges and opportunities the region can expect through 2017. The plan also provides insight into the range of initiatives that regional stakeholders can undertake to meet the power grid’s present and future needs.

The document concludes that if all the 34,077 MW of resources procured in New England’s first Forward Capacity Auction in February continue to be available in future auctions, it is likely the region will have sufficient capacity through 2014.

Peak demand for electricity in New England is projected to be somewhat lower than the previous 10-year demand forecast, largely due to lower growth in the long-run forecast of personal income, the report indicated.

The report also shows continuing regional progress in making necessary system improvements, including significant transmission upgrades required for system reliability and rapidly increasing use of demand resources that can help lessen the need for new infrastructure.

The ISO says that since 2002, more than 200 transmission upgrades have been put into service across New England, and another 62 are expected to be completed this year. Since 1997, 47 generating projects representing more than 12,000 MW have come online.

But it also points to issues that require attention, including additional transmission upgrades to meet reliability requirements; the challenges of integrating large amounts of wind and demand resources into system operations; the continuing need for a reliable and diverse fuel supply; and the question of how to ensure that environmental goals are met.

The region’s Forward Capacity Market, with the first auction held in February, has encouraged investment in power plants and boosted the development of demand resources, including load management, conservation, and energy efficiency, the ISO said in a statement.

The annual auction is designed to ensure that sufficient capacity will be available in the three-year period after each auction is held. Almost 2,300 MW of demand resources that cleared in the first auction will be available in 2010.

Source: ISO New England Inc.

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