Exclusive: Partner Content

POWER Professional Partners have made a commitment to provide service, content, and media visibility with POWER. The POWER Professional Partner program is designed to help connect POWERS’s audience by highlighting the products and services of companies dedicated to improving the talent development industry. You can find POWER Professional Partner information featured in POWER Magazine, online at POWERMAG.org, and at various POWER events throughout the year. Please check back, this page will update throughout the year with new information and Professional Partners ready to help your organization succeed!

“We Are an Advocate for Your Equipment”
“We Are an Advocate for Your Equipment”

The HRST field services team has extensive experience supervising welding, field repair, fabrication, and erection of HRSGs. Acting as advocates for your equipment, they manage the project from start to…

The Many Lives of EV Batteries
The Many Lives of EV Batteries

It's been an excellent year for electrified vehicles. The Inflation Reduction legislation passed by the Biden Administration will invest $369 billion in renewable energy solutions, including funding for the development…