
Bid Smartly . . . or Walk Away

With some industries reeling in today's economy, future revenue growth is still uncertain in certain markets. The bright exception is the "new energy" arena of renewables and sustainables. But that's…

Rethinking Revenue Assurance for Utilities

Utility companies continue to face considerable margin pressures that stem from a number of challenges. An overall weakness in the commercial market, a flat and fragile residential market, modernization costs…

Rare Earth and Lithium Supplies Cloud Renewables
Rare Earth and Lithium Supplies Cloud Renewables

Rare earths—some 17 elements (some scarce and some abundant) found in Earth’s crust by themselves or combined with other chemicals—may be a major hurdle in the renewable energy supply chain.…

An Economist Looks at Climate Policy

Aspects of how climate and conservation issues are presented that seem completely natural to the environmental and energy policy community can look peculiar from the perspective of an economist who…

Where Are the New Engineers?

The United States is failing to produce the trained and educated workforce needed for the demands of the future of electricity generation and transmission, according to a study last fall…

Addressing the Intraday Trading Position Conundrum

It’s no surprise that business pressures can increase the value of optimized trading for energy companies. Specifically, lower commodity prices and more competition in energy markets have put pressure on…

TREND: Coal in a Hole

While pundits opine that the U.S. economy is in recovery, that doesn’t show up in the world of coal-fired electric power plants (perhaps lagging economic indicators). To wit: South Carolina…