predictive maintenance

The POWER Interview: What Is Big Data?
The POWER Interview: What Is Big Data?

The term “Big Data” is used frequently by tech-savvy power industry professionals, but what does it really mean. To get an insider’s perspective, POWER posed the question to Akshay Patwal,…

Temperature Monitoring Protects Low-Voltage Assets
Temperature Monitoring Protects Low-Voltage Assets

Early detection of increased temperatures helps avoid power distribution asset-related failures and unplanned shutdowns. Wireless technologies make implementing this predictive maintenance solution practical and economical. Electrical generation and associated high-voltage…

Digitization and Analytics in Power Plants
Digitization and Analytics in Power Plants

A key aspect of any digitization effort is providing easy access to data by engineers and other experts so they can perform advanced analytics to improve outcomes. In the March…

Using Predictive Analytics to Keep Up with Energy Demand
Using Predictive Analytics to Keep Up with Energy Demand

Silicon Valley Power implemented a system using machine-learning technology to monitor critical power plant components. The solution has proven to reduce downtime and save money. Furthermore, its wireless predictive maintenance…