
Microgrids: An Old Concept Could Be New Again
Microgrids: An Old Concept Could Be New Again

Self-contained, small islands of electric generation, storage and distribution inside the existing grid–microgrids–could be the next big thing in electricity. But some argue they may be just another over-hyped development…

U.S. Nuclear: From Hope to Despair
U.S. Nuclear: From Hope to Despair

A decade ago, the annual Platts nuclear energy conference in Washington was brimming with optimism over a coming “nuclear renaissance,” as licensing requests poured into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and…

Power’s Environmental Issues Then and Now
Power’s Environmental Issues Then and Now

Discussions about environmental issues related to power plants and the regulations governing their operation are as old as the industry, I discovered while thumbing through the bound July through December…

New Thinking on Old Safety Issues
New Thinking on Old Safety Issues

Human workers are imperfect, which is why there’s no magic bullet that will give you a safe workplace. But new research on human behavior and how that translates into safety…

Notable Coal Ash Spills [Slideshow]
Notable Coal Ash Spills [Slideshow]

The coal ash spill in December 2008 at the Tennessee Valley Authority's coal-fired Kingston power plant may have triggered regulatory action, but it wasn't the first or the most devastating…