
Legal and technical aspects of power plant environmental monitoring and control; regulatory issues

Power’s Environmental Issues Then and Now
Power’s Environmental Issues Then and Now

Discussions about environmental issues related to power plants and the regulations governing their operation are as old as the industry, I discovered while thumbing through the bound July through December…

Generators Grapple with ELG Implementation
Generators Grapple with ELG Implementation

Plant wastewater treatment is not what it once was, and changes in the Environmental Protection Agency’s effluent limitations guidelines (ELG) have added a host of new wrinkles. A panel of…

Employing Fuel Cells for Carbon Capture
Employing Fuel Cells for Carbon Capture

Fuel cells are a rapidly expanding option for distributed generation, with fuel cell–based power plants now being deployed in capacities into tens of megawatts (see “59-MW Fuel Cell Park Opening…