Latest Stories by Kennedy Maize

How Can FERC Function Without a Quorum?

With the Trump administration’s elevation of Democrat Cheryl LaFleur to acting chairman of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the demotion of Norman Bay (and his subsequent resignation) the agency now…

The Political Kabuki of Senate Confirmation

The incoming Trump administration will see its selection of an energy and environment management team at the Department of Energy, Department of Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency in place…

As a U.S. Business, Nuclear Power Stinks

Regardless of one’s views of the social values of nuclear power -- compelling cases can be made all around -- as a business proposition nuclear stinks. The latest evidence comes…

New Coal Rules Give Trump Political Opportunities

The Obama administration has fired two parting shots at the coal industry that are more about public relations than environmental protection. They could be early and easy targets for the…

Is There an Explanation for Trump’s Picks?

What to make of the Trump picks for top administration jobs so far? Chuck Todd of NBC News (and moderator of Meet the Press) had an analysis on a podcast…

Trump: Bad News for U.S. Nuclear Power?

When a new administration arrives in Washington, business lobbying groups routinely assert that their interests mesh with those of the new political team in town. So it is with the…

Duke Settles 2012 Progress Energy Merger Suit

It was a remarkably ugly exercise of boardroom behavior, and now will cost Duke Energy $27 million (covered by insurance and paid to Duke itself ). In 2012, Duke Energy…

Barclays Backs Gates Twins in FERC Trading Dispute

A dozen prominent federal administrative law experts have criticized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s procedures in the now four-years-old dispute over whether FERC overstepped its authority in the case of…