
Monthly Issue | July 15, 2007

Just say no to power poaching
Just say no to power poaching

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 gave the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) the authority to override state and local opposition to the construction of interstate transmission lines if the…

Global Monitor (July 2007) 
Global Monitor (July 2007) 

Pistachio plant gives new meaning to green Now you can feel really green about those tasty green pistachio snacks. Paramount Farms in California's agriculture-rich Central Valley, billing itself as the…

Focus on O&M (July 2007) 
Focus on O&M (July 2007) 

NUCLEAR PLANT OVERHAUL Hydro-demolition speeds reactor dome entry Replacements of the steam generators (SGs) of nuclear power plants have become commonplace since the first one was completed 25 years ago.…

Navigating a carbon-constrained world
Navigating a carbon-constrained world

Scientific debate on the validity of global warming science continues, but the issue has yet had little impact on individuals. That impact is being negotiated in Washington, where a regulatory…

The bumpy road to federal carbon dioxide caps

In January and February, members of the U.S. Congress introduced with great fanfare a dozen comprehensive carbon cap-and-trade bills that compete with each other to impose the most stringent standards…