
POWER Digest

China Makes Nuclear Export Gains in Argentina, Romania. As it boosts its domestic nuclear power capacity, China is also snapping up lucrative contracts to build new reactors abroad. This November,…

Reports: Renewables Were Revived in 2014
Reports: Renewables Were Revived in 2014

Despite plunging oil prices, 2014 was a formidable year for renewables, according to two reports released in early 2015. According to the “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015”—the annual…

Ontario’s Long Term Energy Plan in Action

The decision to eliminate coal-fired power plants and the implementation of an aggressive feed-in tariff program puts Ontario’s electricity system in the spotlight. Download a pdf of this sponsored report,…

Southeast Asia’s Energy Juggernaut
Southeast Asia’s Energy Juggernaut

The 10 booming economies of Southeast Asia are rapidly emerging as energy-consuming giants. But as indigenous fuel production dwindles and competition for resources mounts, they all face a number of…