
Technical, legal, and regulatory articles on water-related topics for power plants: cooling, wastewater, intake, chemistry, purge water, and once-through systems

How to Prevent Circulating Water Flow Reversal
How to Prevent Circulating Water Flow Reversal

Flow reversal in piping systems can degrade equipment performance and cause significant water hammer, potentially resulting in catastrophic failure. Power plant condenser cooling water systems—or circulating water systems—are especially prone…

Trump Orders WOTUS Rule Rewrite
Trump Orders WOTUS Rule Rewrite

An executive order signed by President Donald Trump on February 27 authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to rewrite a contentious rule asserting federal authority over small bodies of water.…

Cooling Towers: Efficiency Waiting to Happen
Cooling Towers: Efficiency Waiting to Happen

Cooling towers serve the vital role of cooling water for power plant heat exchange equipment. Sustaining excellent system performance is important because a one-degree increase in water temperature can cause…

Reclaimed Water Reduces Stress on Freshwater Supplies

[caption id="attachment_101564" align="alignleft" width="600"] Courtesy: Veolia Water Technologies[/caption] Power generation need not be another source of strain on diminishing freshwater resources. Well-established water reclamation technologies are enabling producers to conserve…

CHP 2.0: New Fuels and New Business Models
CHP 2.0: New Fuels and New Business Models

A variety of approaches have been used to capture new benefits from combined heat and power (CHP) facilities. Some owners have transitioned to new fuels or added renewables to the…