Legal & Regulatory

FERC, energy markets, reliability, natural gas delivery

SCR Coming to Diesel Vehicles
SCR Coming to Diesel Vehicles

Power plant managers are familiar with selective catalytic reduction (SCR), a technology to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides from fossil-fueled generating plants. The regulatory battle over SCR was a key…

Generators Propose a Plan for Carbon Pricing

With the U.S. economy currently in a free fall, some utility industry leaders and elected officials argue that carbon cap legislation should be put on hold while the country recovers…

Oil—Unsafe at Any Price

A confluence of circumstances promised to make 2008 a transformative year for renewable energy in the U.S. States enacted additional, and more demanding, renewable portfolio standards, promoting accelerated and sustained…

Is a Green Future Realistic with an Economy in the Red?

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed an executive order expanding the state’s renewables portfolio standard (RPS) requirement to 33% by 2020. The executive order formalizes what has been generally assumed…

Energy’s Articles of Confederation

An attendee at a recent industry conference made the cynical observation that the dysfunctionality of our national and state energy policies can be attributed to the fact that implementation of…

Reality bites California GHG plan
Reality bites California GHG plan

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently issued its long-awaited draft Climate Change Scoping Plan (Draft Plan) for implementing Assembly Bill (AB) 32, California’s ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions-reduction initiative.…

Climate change: Policy via litigation?
Climate change: Policy via litigation?

By Steven F. Greenwald and Jeffrey P. Gray David Crane, the CEO of NRG Energy, was recently quoted in a widely disseminated publication as saying: “It is a moral imperative…