
Legal and technical aspects of power plant environmental monitoring and control; regulatory issues

Utilities split on readiness of IGCC
Utilities split on readiness of IGCC

Resource planners at electric utilities have never had it so good—or bad. On the one hand, planners have never had more technology options for building needed generating capacity at their…

Technology options for capturing CO2
Technology options for capturing CO2

If the U.S. regulates CO2 emissions in the future, the power generation industry is likely to be a prime target. As the table shows, electricity production accounts for nearly one-third…

SO3’s impacts on plant O&M: Part I
SO3’s impacts on plant O&M: Part I

The visible consequences of sulfuric acid aerosol emissions—opaque stack emissions called "blue plumes"—are merely the tip of an iceberg. In sufficient concentration, SO3 also can increase corrosion and fouling of…

Bethlehem Energy Center, Glenmont, New York
Bethlehem Energy Center, Glenmont, New York

Bethlehem Energy Center (BEC) is a 750-MW (nominal) mid-merit merchant plant that entered commercial service in July 2005. It was one of the first plants to be approved and permitted…