
Legal and technical aspects of power plant environmental monitoring and control; regulatory issues

EIA: 70% of U.S. Coal Fleet Is Ready for MATS
EIA: 70% of U.S. Coal Fleet Is Ready for MATS

At least 70% of U.S. coal-fired generating capacity has already installed environmental control equipment to comply with the Mercury and Air Toxics (MATS) Standards, the Energy Information Agency (EIA) reports. …

How Competitive Are You?

I spent the week before this issue went to press at IHS Energy’s CERAWeek in Houston, listening and talking to many of the attendees representing 55 countries during the annual…

Australia’s Carbon Policy Predicament
Australia’s Carbon Policy Predicament

Australia and the U.S. have much in common in terms of energy resources, but Australia’s attempt to mirror the European Union’s climate policies has challenged its power sector. On the…