
Senate Energy Committee Transformed?

Washington, D.C., January 3, 2014 – Senate Energy Committee Chairman Mary Landrieu? That’s likely in the second session of the 113th Congress, with the Louisiana Democrat moving up to take…

Fighting Bovine Flatulence

Cows get little respect these days. Except, of course, when cow is in the form of a two-inch-thick steak cooked medium-well and served still sizzling from the grill. Others prefer…

Peak Oil, Not

Do you remember the many predictions in past years that oil production has peaked world-wide and we will soon deplete this natural resource? M. King Hubbert, a petroleum engineer with…

EPA’s Tone-Deaf ‘Listening’ Tour

Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2013 -- Attempting to deflect continuing charges that its upcoming policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions don’t have popular support in the country, the Environmental Protection…

Hydropower Regulation: A Bipartisan Success Story

On August 9, 2013, President Obama signed into law the “Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013” (the “Act”).  This legislation, passed with overwhelming support in the House and Senate, streamlines…

Chile’s High-Flying Wind Plan
Chile’s High-Flying Wind Plan

Washington, D.C., October 30, 2013 -- The evidence that the South American coast country of Chile is going heavily for wind power is evident at every major port, from Arica…

Where’s the Warming? II

In February 2013 I wrote an editorial entitled “Where’s the Warming?” My argument was that the IPCC was facing a significant problem in writing the then-upcoming AR5 because the most…