
Microgrids: An Old Concept Could Be New Again
Microgrids: An Old Concept Could Be New Again

Self-contained, small islands of electric generation, storage and distribution inside the existing grid–microgrids–could be the next big thing in electricity. But some argue they may be just another over-hyped development…

Maximizing Coastal Power Plant Resiliency
Maximizing Coastal Power Plant Resiliency

Hurricanes, tsunamis, and climate change—operating a power plant on the seacoast carries with it an array of unique challenges. Here’s what some generators are doing to ensure the lights stay…

Lessons in Resiliency and Risk
Lessons in Resiliency and Risk

Keynote presentations at ELECTRIC POWER 2014 focused on new threats to power generators that range from climate change to a business environment that includes increasing numbers of large customer-generators. The…