Supply Chains

TREND: Geothermal Heats up after Fukushima

In Japan, the famous "onsens" or hot springs resorts so popular among pleasure-seeking Japanese are being eyed for their geothermal energy potential, according to the online magazine InventorSpot. In mid-July,…

WTO China Ruling Could Impact Rare Earths

China several years ago lobbied hard to be allowed to join the World Trade Organization (WTO). It saw membership as recognition of the emergence of China as a major world…

TREND: Markets and Critical Materials

While China seems determined to exploit its current control over the market for rare earths and other minerals critical to high-tech and green energy technologies, and while governments engage in…

TREND: Uranium Business Heats Up

The long-struggling uranium business, hoping that demand for nuclear fuel will increase, is slowly stretching its muscles and strengthening exploration and production efforts in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the…

Is Peak Coal the Latest Supply Threat?

Coal, which many geologists and prominent energy analysts consider one of the most abundant fuels in the world, is running out, according to a recent "comment" in the British journal…

MIT: Uranium Supplies Adequate

The supply of uranium should not be a show-stopper in any coming expansion of nuclear power, regardless of scope, according to a new study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

Uranium Enrichment: Boom or Bust?

Will the world face a glut of uranium enrichment capacity for fueling civilian nuclear power reactors in the years ahead? That circumstance appears to be increasingly likely, as firms and…