
Coal power plant design, construction, operation and maintenance, as well as legal and regulatory issues.

Dominion Resources Broadens Its Reach

Dominion Resources, a large electric and gas utility holding company serving mostly Virginia and North Carolina, has big ambitions to spread its wings nationally and internationally in gas, while carefully…

A Breakthrough Carbon-Capturing Algae Project
A Breakthrough Carbon-Capturing Algae Project

A research photobioreactor designed to capture significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant flue gas for high-density algae cultivation is showing promise. The bioreactor patented by California-based algal…

China Slams the Brakes on Coal
China Slams the Brakes on Coal

China’s National Development and Reform Commission and National Energy Administration on April 25 suspended or slowed plans for more than 100 GW of coal-fired capacity across the country in a…