
The “Name Game” begins in Washington

It’s entirely predictable. Once a new president is elected, the most popular topic in Washington becomes “the name game.” Who’s in, who’s out, who will get the political plum jobs.…

More confounding hurricane science

More science to stir the pot on the hurricane-global warming issue appears in last Thursday's issue of Science magazine. Three researchers fundamentally question the conventional wisdom that there is “a…

Can termites chew their way to ethanol?

By Kennedy Maize Can termites lead the way to energy independence? A new study from the University of Florida in Gainsville says the tiny wood chompers and the bacteria in…

Local politics reroutes the PATH project

By Kennedy Maize   Evidence builds for the proposition that constructing new high-voltage transmission remains harder than bringing on new power generation. Facing increasing political opposition in West Virginia and…

Sarah Palin’s Arctic: hot or cold?

A report from the front lines of the alleged global warming war. The Anchorage Daily News reported on Monday, Oct. 13, 2008, that summer snow loss in the state in…

McCain, Palin Ticket Doesn’t Really Dig Coal

Desperate to score points in a crucial state where they are in the double-digit dumps, the Republican McCain-Palin presidential ticket rolled out their heartfelt support for “clean coal technologies” at…

Loan guarantee gridlock

It’s gridlock on the road to the U.S. nuclear renaissance. Electric companies and consortia – 15 in all so far -- are asking the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for combined…