Resources for Women in Power Generation

This resource list is a web-only supplement to the June 2015 issue of POWER feature story on women in the power generation sector and results of our April 2015 survey of women in the power industry.

Although coal and gas provide a larger percentage of U.S. electricity than nuclear, wind, or solar energy, the fossil fuel segments of the industry do not have specific networks to support the professional development of women, whereas the others do:

There are, however, many women involved in all forms of generation who are members of the POWER-sponsored LinkedIn group, Women in Power Generation.

The following organizations and sites have resources supporting the education, training, and professional development of women in engineering and science, generally:

The following sources have useful information on issues that address the value of women in the workplace:

If you are aware of additional groups or resources that are useful to women in or considering careers in the power industry, please provide that information via our LinkedIn Women in Power Generation group or in a comment below.

Gail Reitenbach, PhD is POWER’s editor.

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